Using Python with the AP
Using Python with the API
In these notes, we will explore how to utilize Python with a free weather API (Application Programming Interface) to retrieve the current weather for a specific city.
What You Need to Install and Obtain
- Python and the 'requests' package
- Access to a Weather API
- Basic coding knowledge
Install requests package
$ python -m pip install requests #install package
$ python -m pip show requests #display requests version
Weather API
Login to or register a new account .
Get your API Key
In those images, the key is your API key from
import datetime as dt
import requests
#api key
api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# 温度转换 function
def kelvin_to_celsius_fahrenheit(kelvin):
celsius = kelvin - 273.15
fahrenheit = celsius * (9/5) +32
return celsius, fahrenheit
location = input('Please enter a city name: ')
base_url = ''
url = base_url + 'appid=' + api_key + '&q=' + location
response = requests.get(url).json()
# print(response) # check API information
temp_kelvin = response['main']['temp']
temp_celsius, temp_fahrenheit = kelvin_to_celsius_fahrenheit(temp_kelvin)
feels_like_kelvin = response['main']['feels_like']
feels_like_celsius, feels_like_fahrenheit = kelvin_to_celsius_fahrenheit(feels_like_kelvin)
wind_speed = response['wind']['speed']
humidity = response['main']['humidity']
description = response['weather'][0]['description']
sunrise_time = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(response['sys']['sunrise']+response['timezone'])
sunset_time = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(response['sys']['sunset']+response['timezone'])
country = response['sys']['country']
#formart and print information
print(f'Temperature in {location}: {temp_celsius:.2f}°C or {temp_fahrenheit}°F')
print(f'Feels like in {location}: {feels_like_celsius:.2f}°C or {feels_like_fahrenheit}°F')
print(f'Wind speed in {location}: {wind_speed}m/s')
print(f'Humidity in {location}: {humidity}%')
print(f'The weather in {location}: {description}')
print(f'Sunrise time in {location}: {sunrise_time}')
print(f'Sunset time in {location}: {sunset_time}')
print(f'Country: {country}')